Friday, January 14, 2011

AOW #1: Nursing student dismissed for Facebook photo

Photo via KC Star
Read the AOW #1 here.

Imagine that you are the lawyer for Ms. Byrnes, the student dismissed from nursing school for the Facebook picture.

In a well-written, thoughtful blog post, persuade the school administration to readmit her to school. You should include evidence that will help your client's case. What argument would you make on her behalf?

Title your post "AOW #1" and label it "AOW".

This post is due Tuesday, January 18th, 2010.


  1. my blog is
    for Sarah North hour 6

  2. AOW#1
    I think you should forgive this young lady, because she only put this picture up on facebook because it was a very exciting moment for her. Im very sure she had no intensions of hurting anyone or breaking the rules. The school should have givin her a warning, other than completely kicking her out of campus.
